Sunday, February 12, 2012

Panama City Beach Spring Break Hotels

In our previous article we visited Daytona Beach vs. Panama City Beach. We have received several e-mails from our customers asking for more details on spring break in Panama City Beach. Ask and you shall receive! Panama City Beach is Florida’s premier spring break destination and has been for several years running. The affordable pricing, the underage friendly nightlife, the beach parties, and everything in between make this a great choice for traveling students. Although Panama City Beach embraces spring break options for accommodations are limited and generally the spring break friendly hotels to require and additional deposit. If you are 21 or older than all hotels are an options, although you do have to be 25 to rent most condos. If you are 18 or over than only a handful of PCB hotels will welcome you. But how do you narrow it down? That is where we come in! Our sister company Panama City Hotels Cheap has dedicated time, effort, and most importantly- a page on their website! Check out Panama City Beach Spring Break Hotels for more details and get ready to party your butt off!